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ペーパークラフト ジェットフォイル 大漁

​Paper craft ”Jet Foil Tairyo"


​"Tairyo" is a jetfoil belonging to "Tokai Kisen".

It is pdf data that uses A4 paper 2 sheets. The size is about 140 mm × 55 mm.

A4 2枚を使うpdfデータです。大きさは約140mm×55mmでスマホぐらいです。


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A4 1枚を使うpdfデータです。大きさは約195mm×35mm手のひらサイズです。小さいので少し作りにくいかもしれません。

It is pdf data that for a A4 paper. The size is about 195 mm × 35 mm palm size. It may be a little difficult to make because it is small.


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It is a pdf assembly manual.

*I am not English native, so please let me know by email if there are mistakes, obscure expressions etc.

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